Costumi di Scena - Florence (Italy)   (+39) 055 0492982

Ancient Civilizationscostumes

Ancient costumes

Handmade production of historical, ancient and mythological clothes of the Mediterranean Civilizations: Greeks, Etruscans, Egyptians.
Clothing of ancient Greece, cradle of civilization, arts and sciences; classic and archaic period dresses: tunic, chiton, chlamydia, himation, apoptygma and peplum, handmade with quality fabrics.
Costumes of Greek deity (Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis, Athena, Dionysian), the ancient Peoples (Mycenaeans, Trojans, Athenians, Spartans) and epic characters (Alexander the Great, Achilles, Ulysses, Agamemnon, Prince Paris, Helen, Priam, Archytas).

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